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East Lane Little League




Concussion Risk Factor List

Players who receive significant impact to the head during a practice or a game must be cleared by a physician prior to returning to any play with ELLL.  Parent's and guardians will need to be prepared to show proof of medical clearance to the player's team Manager.

East Lane LL Safety Plan

2019 Safety Plan

Rain and Lightning

The managers will determine if the field is playable. If they cannot agree, they will follow the umpire??s direction.

RAIN: Managers, coaches, and umpires if it begins to rain will do the following:
1.  Evaluate the strength of the rain. Is it a light drizzle or is it pouring?
2.  Determine the direction the storm is moving.
3.  Evaluate the playing field as it becomes more and more saturated.
4.  Stop play if conditions become unsafe. Consult with the other manager
    and umpire to formulate a decision. The umpire has the final decision.
5.  Wait 20 minutes from this point before making the decision to cancel
    the game.

THUNDERSTORMS and LIGHTING: The average lighting stroke is 5-6miles long. Once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches to within 10 miles, you are at risk due to the possibility of a lighting strike. If you HEAR or SEE a thunderstorm do the following:
1.  Suspend all games and practices immediately.
2.  Do not hold metal bats
3.  Stay away from metal including fencing and bleachers
4.  Get the players to walk to their parent??s car and wait inside for 
    the Manager??s decision on whether to continue the game or practice.

Rule of Thumb: The ultimate truth about lightning is that it??s unpredictable and cannot be prevented.  Therefore, a manager, coach or umpire who feels threatened by an approaching storm should stop play and get the kids to safety. When in doubt, the following rule of thumb should be applied:




An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpires, or volunteers to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the League Safety Officer. Such incidents will be reported within 24 hours of the incident. The Safety Officer needs to be notified, and an email incident report should be sent as well. 

Please see the current East Lane LL Board Members to notify the Safety Officer.
East Lane LL Board

Reporting the incidents may come in a variety of forms. Most common is via the phone, and the manager, coach, who is making the report, should at a minimum provide the following information: 
1. The name and phone number of the individual and/or individual[s] involved. 
2. The name and phone of the reporting manager/coach. 
3. The date, time and location of the incident 
4. As detailed a description of the incident as possible. 
5. The preliminary estimation of the extent of the injuries.
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